The new standard of care
Bettercare for Caretakers
Being a 24/6 caretaker is a challenging task. You have big responsibility on your shoulders. The care recipient and the family are counting on you. You need to create and follow a daily routine, accompany the care recipient to different places and run errands. In addition, you need to keep constant communication with the primary caregiver.
This solution is for you.
Main benefits
?Why using our product
In addition, you want to make sure that all aspects of your employment are being taken care of according to the agreement with the family and according to applicable law. You want to document all monetary transactions and make sure you received all the money that you are entitled to.
Last but not least, you need to communicate with the family, letting them know how the day was and provide details about the care that you provide
Doing all this and keeping track of everything can be challenging.
Our solution helps you to meet this challenge.
Our solution is, first and foremost, an effective communication tool between the caretaker and the family members and or Primary Caregiver. It allows you to document the daily routine, to view all planned appointments and to keep your personal task list inside the app. You can document all household expenses in an easy and transparent way. In addition, all payments that you receive from the family are documented, and your signature report is being sent to the office straight from the app.
BetterCare for Caretakers is designed to help caretakers go through the week in a more relaxed way, knowing that all the information caretakers need in order to provide the best care is accessible from the palm of their hands.
As a caretaker, you have many things to deal with:
You need to follow a daily routine,
You need to remember medication administration,
You need to provide food and drinks,
You need to help keep a good functional level by doing daily exercise with the care recipient
You need to remember the appointments and events of the care recipient
You need to take care of the house – buy things, do laundry and clean around
Our product
Main Features
Our solution for families includes two connected applications – An application for the family members or the primary caregiver and and application for the 24/7 caretaker. Each of the parties can view relevant data and update relevant information on the app and the second party will be able to see. All necessary data is documented in accessible in one place
On this app you will be able to view all the events and the appointments planned for the care recipient. In addition, there will be an indication who will be accompanying the care recipient to this event. Whether it is you or some family member. You will also be able to view all related information about this event – address, phone number, relevant documents and more. You will be able to edit and insert events that you know of so all family members can be informed.
You are entitled to holidays, vacation days and sick leave. In the app you can register the days you want to take a vacation or relevant holidays. All information will be kept and shared with family members (your employers) and will be available for the final calculations of your compensation when you stop working for this family.
You have a lot of things to remember and a lot of tasks to run. The app allows you to create and manage your own personal task list. This way you will have all the things you need to do in one place, allowing you to add and delete tasks for your convenience allowing you to be more efficient and to have less friction with family members about tasks that were missed. .
<p style="direction: ltr;"The app keeps full and updated information about the care recipient's daily routine. If you have a reliever replacing you over a weekend or on your annual vacation, all the information necessary is ready at hand allowing you to focus on the critical personal issues when shown the reliever around. If you are serving as a reliever, all relevant information about the daily routine of the care recipient will be accessible to you through the application
Daliy routine can be created for each day of the week including food, drinks and medication distribution, a walk in the garden, bathing and personal hygiene, position changing, walking exercises and more. All can be accompanied with detailed explanations allowing the caretaker to mark what was done and add required information for each task
When you are requested to take care of the household and buy groceries, medications and other things, now you have a way to document what you bought in a simple way, upload the receipt and document the replenishment you received from family members. In this way, all household expenses are transparent to all family members who are involved.
The app allows you to document the agreed salary components and payments you are entitled to during your employment period. You will be able to follow payments and approve that the payment has been delivered. The app will ensure you that no payment that you are entitled to was left unnoticed.
Caretakers who are not under direct hire, having a nursing agency involved in the employment, need to submit a monthly signature form. Our app allows to collect the signatures directly from the app and to submit the form digitally to the nursing agency with no need to send it to the office and bring the new one for the following month
Our solution consists of two apps that are connected
BetterCare for Families
One application is for the family members, and it allows them to insert and view all relevant data about the care recipient.
Another application designed specifically for caretakers, allowing them to be able to operate in a professional way.