The new standard of care
BetterCare for Institutions
If you manage an institution, nursing home, or geriatric hospital, we offer a comprehensive solution for managing caregivers and support staff. The solution includes a dedicated app for caregivers, a management system that enables the creation of care plans, ongoing management and monitoring, and integration with medical records.

Get To Know Us
Simple. Smart. Advanced
What We Do
Why use our product?
BetterCare for Institutions is a comprehensive solution that includes an app for caregivers and support staff, a management system for creating care plans, managing and monitoring caregiver activities, and an interface with medical records.
The caregivers and support staff app bridges language gaps by utilizing images and icons. The app displays each caregiver’s work plan for the current shift, the residents they are responsible for, the necessary equipment, and the personalized care plan for each patient in the department.
The caregivers’ app is available in 4 languages (Hebrew, Arabic, English, and Russian) and does not require reading or writing skills.
The management system enables nurses to receive real-time alerts about care issues, constipation, functional decline, or any other situation requiring intervention. Additionally, caregivers can report redness on the skin, pain, or any other unusual condition through the app. The management system displays this information to the nurses in real-time on the main dashboard. This ensures that critical issues are not overlooked, response times are minimized, and the elderly receive the best possible care.
Nurses can generate management reports from the system and send reminders to ensure that care is provided on time and thoroughly.
Our solution won the Ministry of Health’s “Etgar” tender in 2018 for improving the quality of care in geriatric hospitals. In 2021, a pilot project funded by the Ministry of Health was conducted with a population of 200 patients in a large geriatric hospital in central Israel. After achieving all targets and showing improvements across all metrics, the Ministry of Health launched a funding program for institutions choosing to implement the BetterCare system. This decision reflects the Ministry’s recognition that implementing the system enhances the quality of care for elderly patients in geriatric institutions.
What We Do
Main Characteristics
Very easy to operate - even for non-technological staff
Digital caregiver signature for completing each component of the care plan
Bridges language gaps within the team
Division of work within the department through the app (assigning tenants and tasks)
Complete information on each resident accessories
Warning about skin condition to prevent the development of pressure sores
Personal care plan for each resident
Tracking hydration, continence preservation program, constipation monitoring, food tracking, and more…
Why Use Our Product?
Improving quality of care
Digitization of caregiver work recording and documentation
Improving communication with caregivers
Real-time monitoring to ensure caregivers have signed off on all tasks during their shift
Digitizing the recording and documentation of caregiver work
Sync caregiver reports with the medical record systems
Weekly and monthly reports are automatically generated from the system
Easily track and monitor usage of various accessories
Be prepared for inspection by the Ministry of Health
Customer Testimonials
Why BetterCare?
Our customer base is growing at a rapid pace, and our product is evolving accordingly.
We are proud to be partners in the success of our customers and to give them the most advanced platform for nursing management that improves treatment control and communication with caregivers.
Customers who have deployed BetterCare can’t imagine their work environment without the software!
Winning Collaborations
Leading Companies Partner With Us
We believe that the greatest value a customer can gain from software lies in its ability to integrate seamlessly with other systems within the organization, providing a smooth experience with connectivity across all platforms the customer work with. BetterCare enables easy integration with additional software utilized by the organization.
Nativ - Medical Records Software
Integration with the innovative “Nativ” medical records software for syncing residents and tasks. Transferring data directly into the medical record saves nurses from the need to manually input the data.
Paradigm Care - Medical Records Software
Integration with the established “Paradigm Care” medical records software for syncing residents and tasks. Transferring data directly into the medical record saves nurses from the need to manually input the data.

Gold Factor - Rating Institutions and Placing the Elderly
A unique collaboration with Gold Factor, a company responsible for quality rating of nursing facilities in Israel. Additionally, Gold Factor provides consulting services to families to help find the best care facility for their parents.
Viar - advanced sensor systems
An interface with Viar’s sensor software allows the nursing staff to be alerted to a resident’s risk of falling, wandering or fear of getting out of bed through the BetterCare system.
Ola - AI cameras
Integration with Ola’s smart camera system enables cross-referencing between the care reported in the BetterCare system and the actual care provided. Failure to provide care triggers a real-time alert to the staff, and compliance reports comparing planned care to actual performance are available for the care manager at the end of each shift.

ServiceNow - ERP system
Integration with the ServiceNow system for importing home caregivers’ work plans, patients, and care plans, as well as transferring data from the caregivers’ app directly into the system. This saves the office staff significant time on data entry.
People Choose Us
Our Customers
Our customer base is growing day by day. We take pride in the fact that the best institutions in Israel have chosen and continue to choose, to manage care in their departments using the BetterCare system.
BetterCare's Achievements
Helps care managers, nurses, and caregivers become a better, more efficient, and more professional team.
Family satisfaction

Task execution efficiency

Training and guidance time

Information Flow

Increasing Collaboration

Nurses Efficiency