BetterCare for Parent Care

Take Control of your Parent Care

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Increase Management Capabilities Remotely


Real Time flow of Information from Caregiver


Increase in the Capability of Managing Financial Issues

Common Issues Faced In Parent Care

Parent Care is personal loved one care and often face strategic challenges.

  • End of month paper based reporting of monthly hours
  • Updating of care tasks and scheduled health and family meetings
  • Finance Operations
  • Language barriers between caregivers and family members causing poor communication, tasks unfulfilled, inability to manage properly
  • An issue with real time follow-up on caregivers work
Digital Transformation

Digitize Parent Care Management

Using the BetterCare Management Platform will take your Parent Care management to the digital age and you will be able to enjoy real time information, reporting, ability to schedule meetings and events, update personalized care plans, manage finance, reduce paperwork and manage monthly hours.

Eliminate the Language Barrier

Easy To Use Icon Based Platform

Using the BetterCare Management Platform removes the issues often faced with the language barrier that may exist between the caregiver and family member. The clever use of icons and the ease of use of the platform and the app saves precious time and allows easy update of the tasks required without the need to directly contact the caregiver.

Accurate Reporting of Hours Spent

Receive and Record Accurate Updates on Time Spent & GPS Monitoring

Using the BetterCare Management Platform can eliminate the need for manual updates of hours performed in Parent Care. GPS monitoring is also available and can be linked to specific tasks so the family can monitor the location of the caregiver from time to time.

Digitalize the Flow of Information

Real Time Transfer of Information

As caregivers follow their daily task schedule by easily updating tasks performed. The information is stored by Bettercare for immediate access by the family member. The family member has a dashboard that displays irregularities for monitoring or action such as alerts to the condition of the parent or loved one.
Immediate notification of any issues along with digital documented information such as location of issue, severity and photos can potentially save the loved one untold suffering and help take immediate action when necessary.

Updating scheduled meetings can be done online in a way that is easy for the caregiver to follow so doctors’ appointments and even family events can be scheduled remotely.

Reports and Finance Management

Care Reports and Finance Management

Information regarding the actual care taken as well as stored vitals and other health related information can be issued as easily as reports.
Another useful tool is the finance management with the caregiver. Update deposits and expenses easily and attach necessary items such as receipts on expenses incurred.

Take the First Step to Providing BetterCare

The New Standard of Care

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