Easy to Use even for low-tech Staff

  • Designed for caregivers that have a low literacy rate and are not fluent in the local language.
  • Easy to access
  • Logical shift schedule for daily tasks
  • Easy to mark off completed tasks
  • Receive Management Feedback
+Request a Demonstration

The Caregiver App



Flow of Real-Time Information

1  Create a new resident

2Create a personalized care plan

4Assign residents to caregivers

5Caregivers signoff on their tasks

6Care managers receive information

7Care managers send positive feedback

3Assign Caregivers to shifts

8Care managers extract reports

1Create a new resident

2Create a personalized care plan

4Assign residents to caregivers

5Caregivers signoff on their tasks

6Care managers receive information

7Care managers send positive feedback

3Assign Caregivers to shifts

8Care managers extract reports

1Create a new resident

2Create a personalized care plan

3pAssign Caregivers to shifts

4Assign residents to caregivers

5Caregivers signoff on their tasks

6Care managers receive information

7Care managers send positive feedback

8Care managers extract reports

How the “Ease of Use” and the “Flow of Real-Time Information”
Improves all the different aspects of the ward

Reduce Friction & Conflict Between Staff

Increase Satisfaction Ratio

Instant Positive Feedback

Increase Of Self-Esteem In Caregivers

Accurate Reporting

Better Management

Saves Care Manager Time

Reduce Costs

Reduces Caregiver Churn

Reduce CostsProvides Stability

Reduces Training Time

Improves Efficiency

Immediate Digital Information

Better Care

Reduce Family Complaints

Better Work Environment

Report Alerts Digitally Real-Time




The caregiver is often the first person who notices something abnormal in the resident, it may be skin impairment, pain, a risk of a fall and so on.

With BetterCare the Caregiver can report instantly in several easy steps.

  • He selects the resident in question by clicking on her icon picture,
  • He then selects Alert
  • He then selects the type of Alert, be it:
    • Skin,
    • Pain,
    • Risk of Fall,
    • Change in Mood, or
    • Maintenance
  • He then selects the location and severity and can add a picture or comment before submitting.
  • Providing this crucial information digitally for the immediate attention of the care managers can save the suffering of the resident, bring about timely treatment and even save lives.

Take the First Step to Providing BetterCare

The New Standard of Care

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